Proceeding Books Purchase

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Proceeding NameTopicPricePub. IdentifierIOP
1st ITB Geothermal Workshop 2012Toward National Geothermal Capacity Building for Supporting Geothermal di IndonesiaRp. 450.000,-ISBN 978-602-0705-21-7 (2012)
2nd ITB Geothermal Workshop 2013Broadening Participation and Initiative across the Geothermal Education and Research Enterprises in IndonesiaRp. 400.000,-ISBN 978-602-0705-28-6 (2013)
3rd ITB Geothermal Workshop 2014Encouraging Innovation and Creativity by Exploring Human Resources Potential and Skills to Gear-Up Geothermal Energy DevelopmentRp. 400.000,-ISBN 978-602-7861-28-2 (2016)
4th ITB Geothermal Workshop 2015Strengthening the Role of Human Resources for Geothermal DevelopmentRp. 350.000,-ISBN 978-602-7861-29-9 (2016)
5th ITB Geothermal Workshop 2016The New Era: Initiatives, Strategies, Opportunities, and Challenges toward Geothermal Development in IndonesiaRp. 450.000,-
6th ITB Geothermal Workshop 2017The Rise of Geothermal Development in Indonesia: Resource Transformation Strategy Towards 7000 MWe CapacityRp. 650.000,-ISBN 978-602-0705-08-8 (2018)
7th ITB Geothermal Workshop 2018Uniting Geothermal Energy Stakeholders through Collaborative Efforts for Nation ProsperityRp. 800.000,-ISBN 978-623-7165-21-7 (2018)
8th ITB Geothermal Workshop 2019Geothermal Energy among Other Renewable Energy: Present and FutureRp. 250.000,-ISBN 978-623-7568-70-4 (2020)
Paket Prosiding IIGW
2018 dan 2019 (2 edisi)
Rp. 900.000,-
9th ITB Geothermal Workshop 2020 (Online)Advancing the Prospecting and Utilization of National Geothermal Sector through Best Practice Management, Investment and TechnologyRp. 700.000,-ISBN 978-623-297-122-6 (2021)
10th ITB Geothermal Workshop 2021 (Online)Synergy for Energy Transition: The Role of Geothermal Energy in Energy TransitionRp. 750.000,-ISSN 2830-2818 (Volume 10, 2022) (printed version)
11th ITB Geothermal Workshop 2022 (Online)Geothermal Competitiveness in Supporting Net-Zero Emission: From Technical to Business ModelRp. 375.000,-ISSN 2830-2818 (Volume 11, 2023) (printed version)
12th ITB Geothermal Workshop 2023 (Offline)
June 6-7, 2023
ITB Bandung
Geothermal for Accelerating Post-Pandemic Economic RecoveryRp. 500.000,-ISSN 2830-2818 (Volume 12, 2024)(printed version)
13th ITB Geothermal Workshop 2024 (Offline)
June 10-11, 2024
ITB Bandung
Optimizing Geothermal Utilization for Supporting Energy Transition and Carbon ReductionRp. _______,-ISSN 2830-2818 (Volume 13, 2025)(printed version)

Previous IIGW Websites
  1. 1st ITB Geothermal Workshop 2012 Website (Under Maintenance)
  2. 2nd ITB Geothermal Workshop 2013 Website (Under Maintenance)
  3. 3rd ITB Geothermal Workshop 2014 Website (Under Maintenance)
  4. 4th ITB Geothermal Workshop 2015 Website (Under Maintenance)
  5. 5th ITB Geothermal Workshop 2016 Website (Under Maintenance)
  6. 6th ITB Geothermal Workshop 2017 Website (Under Maintenance)
  7. 7th ITB Geothermal Workshop 2018 Website (Under Maintenance)
  8. 8th ITB Geothermal Workshop 2019 Website (Under Maintenance)
  9. 9th ITB Geothermal Workshop 2020 Website (Under Maintenance)
  10. 10th ITB Geothermal Workshop 2021 Website (Under Maintenance)
  11. 11th ITB Geothermal Workshop 2022 Website (Under Maintenance)
  12. 12th ITB Geothermal Workshop 2023 Website
  13. 13th ITB Geothermal Workshop 2024 Website
  14. 14th ITB Geothermal Workshop 2025 Website